Sep 15, 2024 - Declutter Your Mind

Celebrate your progress—even small steps on your healing journey count.


Just for you, Friend

You may think that you haven’t moved forward in life in the conventional sense. Just because you haven’t reached certain milestones doesn’t mean you’re stuck in life. You’ve made a lot... Continue Reading

This Week’s Motivational Video

Do you often feel overwhelmed and unable to focus on any one thing?

If yes, that could mean that your mind is cluttered and has a lot of brain ‘tabs’ open and you might need to close some of them down. The question is ‘How?’

From too much social media to trying to multitask to holding on to old issues from our past, adding to our mind clutter is not hard. But how do we start sweeping it out so we can feel less overwhelmed?

“Clutter is not just physical stuff. It’s old ideas, toxic relationships and bad habits. It’s anything that does not support your better self.” — Eleanor Brown

What is a Cluttered Mind? 

Every thought has the potential to become clutter if we don’t have the ability to properly organize our thoughts…

In case you missed it, here’s all the best of the past week!

Our most read this past week:

Best Inspirational Quotes

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My Top Motivational Message

We often find that reality isn’t always what we expect. It is disappointing when things do not live up to your expectations.

But you can use this disparity of expectations vs reality to your advantage when you’re struggling to let go of your worries about the future... Continue Reading

Did You Miss a Motivation This Week?

You can find the past week's motivational messages at the archive page here!

Today’s Quote

Today's Affirmation

I invite healing, kindness, and joy into my life. I enjoy the journey of transforming myself. Abundance shows up in different ways in my life. My life is full... Continue Reading

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