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  • Oct 10, 2024 - 5 Powerful Morning Rituals to Eliminate Procrastination

Oct 10, 2024 - 5 Powerful Morning Rituals to Eliminate Procrastination

Focus on your strength, not the unfairness of past challenges.


Just for you, Friend

It seems unfair that you had to go through those difficult circumstances. You had to face situations that shook you to the core. But you overcame all of it, despite being scared. Instead of... Continue Reading

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What, me procrastinate?

5 Powerful Morning Rituals to Eliminate Procrastination

There’s no denying it: Your mornings set the tone for your entire day. 

A well-structured, powerful morning routine can boost productivity and motivation. In contrast, mornings spent aimlessly scrolling on our phones can dampen productivity and motivation.

With that said, however, many people find they’re most productive in the morning, making it an ideal time to tackle important tasks.

And by establishing effective morning rituals, you can overcome procrastination and set yourself up for success. So, let’s help you do just that! 

Below, we offer up five powerful morning rituals to jumpstart your motivation and eliminate procrastination. It’s time to get stuff done!

One Positive Action

Forgive yourself

Yesterday we had you look in the mirror and give yourself a compliment, today… it’s all about forgiveness.

This one might be a little more difficult than giving yourself a compliment, and don’t be surprised if you end up a blubbering, sobbing, mess.

Look at yourself in the mirror, directly into your eyes and think about something that you’ve been holding onto, it can be something small, like a little white lie you told to get out of trouble, or something much bigger. Think of this event, feel the shame, or the anger, or pain it brought you that you have forced down.

Now looking into your eyes, sincerely say your name, I forgive you. Say it again “<name>, I forgive you.” and again “<name>, I forgive you.” Each time you say it, feel your chest getting a little looser, your shoulders getting a little lighter.

You’ve been carrying this load for so long and probably didn’t even know it. Whatever it was that you’re forgiving yourself for, that’s in the past, it doesn’t matter anymore, it’s not part of your day to day life.

You can make space for healing.

You have permission to move forward.

Today’s Quote

Today's Affirmation

The fire of hope is still alive in my heart. I experience countless small victories every day. I embrace the enduring power of hope. I embrace the unique adventure… Continue Reading

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