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  • July 9, 2024 - 5 Motivation Tips for Introverts: Finding Your Quiet Drive

July 9, 2024 - 5 Motivation Tips for Introverts: Finding Your Quiet Drive

Always be open to abundance, and embrace the little moments...


Just for you, Friend

Always be open to abundance. Something powerful is unfolding for you! Abundance and goodness can appear in many different forms. Embrace the little moments that... Continue Reading

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5 Motivation Tips for Introverts: Finding Your Quiet Drive

Imagine you’re in a quiet room, maybe your bedroom or a cozy corner of your house.

You feel calm, your thoughts are clear, and you're ready to take on a new challenge.

This is a moment where you, as an introvert, might find your motivation.

You see, introverts might find motivation in different ways than extroverts.

In this post, we’ll:

  • explore scientific insights to understand why

  • share quotes to inspire you

  • give examples of famous introverts who have succeeded and

  • provide practical techniques to help you discover your unique path to motivation

Whether it's creating a quiet workspace, setting personal goals, or practicing mindfulness, there are many ways for introverts to tap into their inner drive.…

Take your time, be present!

Mindful Eating: How to Use Mindfulness to Improve Your Relationship with Food

In our fast-paced world, it’s easy to lose touch with the simple pleasures of eating.

Not only that, but disordered eating is more common than most of us realize. Thanks to the news, social media, and more, it can feel like we’re never good enough. 

Growing up through the, “Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels era,” I remember all too well trying to keep my weight down as a teenager. Skinny was in. And of course, I wanted to fit in. Yet, from this, I developed the worst relationship with food. 

It wasn’t until my late 20s that I overcame a lot of my limiting beliefs and finally let myself enjoy life (and food) to the fullest. Since then…

Today’s Quote

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Today's Affirmation

I am on the best path for my dreams. My heart’s desires flow to me with ease. I know I am supported. I am in a good place mentally and... Continue Reading