July 7, 2024

If you struggle with imposter syndrome like me, here's some tips to help you believe in yourself!


Just for you, Friend

Living With a person with a mental illness is never easy. There may be yelling, outbursts of emotion, unpredictable moods, and the aftermath of an episode; and all of it is sometimes... Continue Reading

One From The Archives

Always believe in yourself!

Help Beat Imposter Syndrome & Believe in Yourself With These 4 Tips

Do you ever feel like you don't deserve what you have at times?

Have you heard of imposter syndrome?

When you receive a compliment about a job well done, do you usually respond and say it was nothing and believe that others could’ve done it way better than you? 

If you’ve ever felt overrated, unable to take ownership of your personal achievements and had this fear of being unmasked at some point in your life, know that you are not alone. Imposter syndrome is more common than you think!

What is Imposter Syndrome?

Imposter syndrome is a psychological term describing a negative pattern of behavior when one feels not good enough…

Today’s Quote

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Today's Affirmation

I live my life with grace and dignity. My consciousness is expanding. I can find peace once again. I let things flow naturally. I can easily shift my perspective... Continue Reading