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  • Feb 20, 2025 - Is Financial Stress Hurting Your Mental Health? 4 Ways You Can Help Yourself

Feb 20, 2025 - Is Financial Stress Hurting Your Mental Health? 4 Ways You Can Help Yourself

You're stronger than your fears, trust your progress.


Just for you, Friend

The fears that once haunted you are starting to lose their grip. You’ve taken big steps out of your comfort zone. It hasn’t been easy, but you stood firm in the face of every storm. Give yourself... Continue Reading

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Is Financial Stress Hurting Your Mental Health? 4 Ways You Can Help Yourself

Financial stress is a significant concern for many Americans, with recent studies highlighting its impact on mental and physical health.

A survey by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine reported that 87% of individuals have lost sleep due to financial worries, with one-fifth stating they “almost always” lose sleep over money concerns. 

So, if you’re worrying about money, you’re definitely not alone! But, in reality, this isn’t just about numbers in a bank account; financial stress can take a serious toll on your mental and physical well-being.

When every trip to the grocery store or unexpected bill brings a wave of panic, it’s time to acknowledge that financial stress goes beyond the money. It also becomes a health problem…

man looking spooked on the phone

Is Overgeneralization Twisting Your Mindset? How to Know for Sure

Have you ever made a mountain out of a molehill? Of course you have - and you’re not alone.

This is generally referred to as overgeneralization, a cognitive distortion that occurs when we make sweeping generalizations based on limited or isolated experiences. It involves taking one instance or a few instances and applying it to an entire group or situation.

For example, if you have a really bad experience with someone from, say, Colorado, you might overgeneralize and assume that everyone from Colorado is that way…

One Positive Action

Take just one step:

If you’re like me, you know how easy it is to get stuck in procrastination. You’ve got big goals, big dreams, and a vision for your life, but somehow, the action keeps getting pushed to “tomorrow.” The problem is, tomorrow turns into next week, next month, or next year. And nothing changes. The key to breaking this cycle? Take one small, aligned action today. Not next week. Not when you “feel ready.” Right now.

Look at a goal you’ve been sitting on. Maybe it’s starting a business, getting in shape, or improving your mindset. Instead of feeling overwhelmed by the entire journey, ask yourself: What is one small step I can take today? If it’s a business, maybe that means researching a domain name or reaching out to a mentor. If it’s fitness, maybe it’s doing a 10-minute workout or prepping a healthy meal. The size of the step doesn’t matter, what matters is that you take it.

When you take action, you send a powerful message to your subconscious: I am serious about this. And the moment you act, you shift out of inertia and into momentum. That’s how success happens, one decision at a time, one step at a time. So don’t wait. Choose one action and do it now. Your future self is already thanking you.

Today’s Quote

Today's Affirmation

I let my creativity flow. I let my thoughts come and go without judgment. I embrace the transformative power of resilience. I am learning to reclaim my… Continue Reading

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