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  • Dec 3, 2024 - Struggling With Social Anxiety? You're Not Alone. 5 Tips to Help You

Dec 3, 2024 - Struggling With Social Anxiety? You're Not Alone. 5 Tips to Help You

Your worth isn’t defined by opinions, embrace self-belief and stay true!


Just for you, Friend

We already know that even our thoughts don’t define who we are. Then, how can you let other people’s opinions define your self-worth? Detach emotionally from the hurtful things... Continue Reading

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Struggling With Social Anxiety? You're Not Alone. 5 Tips to Help You

Motivation is tough. It comes and goes. It’s not something we can rely on. And it often isn’t there when we need it the most. 

While discipline counts for a lot, we can also self motivate.

We don’t necessarily need external forces or some kind of magic power to push us forward toward where we want or need to be.

So, if you’re feeling stuck and unmotivated, here are 30 inspiring self motivational quotes that can take your mental state up a notch so you can get done what you need to get done. 

5 Short Self Motivational Quotes

For quick bursts of motivation, turn to the following quotes.

Or you could even opt to paste these in your office or bathroom mirror for little reminders each day…

One Positive Action

Smile! On Purpose

Here’s one that feels a little weird, but stick with me: force a smile for 30 seconds. I know, I know, smiling on purpose when you’re not feeling it sounds awkward at best and fake at worst. But you know what? Your brain is actually pretty gullible. When those facial muscles stretch into a smile, it assumes something good is happening and starts releasing those feel-good chemicals like it’s a reflex.

Think about it, how many times have you caught yourself in a bad mood spiral? It’s easy to let that grumpiness take over. This little trick throws a wrench in the whole operation. You’re not denying the stress or sadness, but you’re creating a crack in the wall where some light can sneak through. And yeah, you might look ridiculous doing it. That’s part of the charm.

By the time 30 seconds is up, you might actually feel a tiny bit better. It’s not magic, but it’s enough to shift your perspective just a hair, which can make a world of difference. So go ahead, smile like you just won the lottery (even if the only thing you’ve won today is the struggle of getting in and out of the shower). It’s free, it’s easy, and it just might flip the mood switch in your brain.

And hey, if nothing else, the absurdity of grinning at your screen or mirror like a lunatic could give you a laugh. That counts too. Try it, it’s only half a minute, and you’ve probably wasted more time doomscrolling already today!

Today’s Quote

Today's Affirmation

I am at peace with myself. I am learning to enjoy the process. I can observe my thoughts and feelings objectively. I say yes to a deeper level of acceptance... Continue Reading

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