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  • Dec 16 - Find Your Zen: 25 Daily Mantras to Cultivate a Positive Mindset

Dec 16 - Find Your Zen: 25 Daily Mantras to Cultivate a Positive Mindset

Your hard work is paying off; embrace joy and abundance.


Just for you, Friend

Your season of receiving has just begun. The years of hard work and sacrifices are about to pay off! From tiny moments of pure joy to opportunities that perfectly align with your highest.. Continue Reading

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Find Your Zen: 25 Daily Mantras to Cultivate a Positive Mindset

Mantras are phrases frequently used in meditation to help anchor you or give you a focal point to concentrate on.

Similar to affirmations, they can be ultra-powerful, guiding you through tough and turbulent times and helping you land on both feet. 

With any mantra, you want it to resonate with you. It needs to have meaning for you. This is important to note since many of us won’t have the same mantra as one another. At the same time, some proven mantra frequencies are shown to help inherently calm us.

So. what mantras might you want to try? Find your match below!

This Week’s Uplifting Stories

Positively Uplifting Stories | December 16, 2024

Small acts of kindness can enhance people’s lives in many unexpectedly beautiful ways!

Every action has a ripple effect. We can all help each other develop an indomitable spirit and experience life a little more fully.  

“The best index to a person's character is how he treats people who can't do him any good and how he treats people who can't fight back.” - Abigail Van Buren

We hope that the following stories will inspire you to see life in a new light!

One Positive Action

Just Get Started: Set a Timer

Sometimes, the hardest part of getting anything done is just starting. You stare at the task, it stares back, and suddenly scrolling your phone feels urgent. Here’s where the Pomodoro Technique comes in. Set a timer for 25 minutes. That’s it, just commit to that. No expectations to finish the thing, just start and see where you end up.

Something magic happens when you give a task your undivided attention for a set amount of time. Twenty-five minutes is short enough not to feel overwhelming, but long enough to make real progress. When the timer’s ticking, it creates this sense of urgency that tricks your brain into focusing. It’s like a deal with yourself: “Let’s do this now, and then I can slack off guilt-free for a bit.”

When the timer goes off, take a real break. Stretch, grab a snack, doom-scroll guilt-free for five minutes if you must. Then, set the timer again if you’re feeling it, or pat yourself on the back and call it a win for the day. The Pomodoro Technique isn’t about grinding until you drop, it’s about making productivity bite-sized and manageable.

Honestly, you might surprise yourself with how much you can get done in those little chunks of time. It’s not about being perfect, it’s about showing up for yourself in a way that actually works. And if it doesn’t? At least you gave it 25 minutes of honest effort, and that’s worth something.

Today’s Quote

Today's Affirmation

My higher self is guiding me toward greater harmony. Intuitive guidance comes to me at the right moment. I am building my intuitive muscles. I always see... Continue Reading

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