Aug 5, 2024 - Not feeling good enough?

Embrace curiosity over fixation: explore your thoughts mindfully.


Just for you, Friend

Choose “explore” over “obsess”. When your mind gets crowded with thoughts, pause to explore them. Are those assumptions based on your past experiences?... Continue Reading

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Mmm…. Pine.

Not Feeling Good Enough? Move Past Your Old Self & Make Room for What's Next

Your past self has helped you get to where you are today.

You may not agree with many of the choices you’ve made in the past.

But acknowledge that you were trying your best.

You were growing.

You faced so many challenges and disappointments, spent so many nights crying silently, and still found the strength to carry on.

When you decide to let go of your old self, don't forget to express gratitude to it.

When you take the time to acknowledge your experiences, choices, and mistakes, you can finally move on.

"I'm Not Good Enough."

Have you just not been feeling good enough? Admitting that you’re struggling emotionally takes courage.

Take it from me.

“I’m the queen of the world!”

These 5 Questions Will Tell You if You're Serious About Achieving Success

We all want to be successful. But, do you know how to go about achieving success?

Many of us don't even know where to start!

That's why we've compiled a short list of helpful questions for you to start asking yourself. 

Are you preparing yourself and setting yourself up for success? 

Once you start answering these questions:

  • It should become more clear where you're missing out in your plans for success.

  • You can then dig deeper in to what you're aiming for.

  • Then you can break down the paths you need to take to achieve your goals.

If you don't have the answers yet, that's okay, it's part of the journey, and many of us will have no idea - yet

Today’s Quote

Today's Affirmation

I can work out my feelings with ease. Amazing opportunities come to me in favorable conditions. I am on the path to my desired outcomes... Continue Reading

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